FAST ESP Crawler Plugin - Dealing with office content types - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki

This article applies to the use of the FAST Enterprise Crawler in a large scale web crawl setting.  When crawling documents on the web, the mime-type returned is often not reliable for many document formats.

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FAST ESP Crawler Plugin - Dealing with office content types

This article applies to the use of the If you use the FAST Enterprise Crawler's document type detection, you may experience that documents that are in the Office 2010 and newer formats are detected as application/zip.  One way to include these documents in the crawl, is to allow these formats as a supported document type.   Here are some useful tricks on how to get the most of the Office document types, without including all ZIP files that you may come over.
  1. Exclude the .zip extension.  That way, zip archives are not crawled by default.
  2. Make sure you allow the download of the most common mime-types used by general web servers.
  3. Also, allow the retrieval of application/zip.  This, because many web servers will incorrectly identify Office 2010 documents as this type.

This may be "good enough". 

However, for a general large scale web crawl, you may find that some sites post large numbers of ZIP files without the .ZIP extension.  One simple way to get rid of many of these zip files is to write a little crawler plugin that will reject documents that are not obviously Office documents.  One way is to filter on file extensions.  Here is a sample code:

import pyuriparse
from pylib import Logger
import re
LOG_ONCE=1 # Set to 1 to get the init pattern.
DEBUG_10=1 # Set to some value > 0 to get a limited number of msgs. E.g. 10 :)
class CrawlerFilterZip:
Reject documents that are application/zip, but don't have an office extension.
def __init__(self):
global LOG_ONCE
self.RE = "(?i)\.((ppt|doc|xls)[x]?|ods|odp|odt)$"
self.officeExtensionRE = re.compile(self.RE)
if LOG_ONCE>0:
log(log.FLOG_INFO, 'CrawlerFilterZip.__init__() - URI path (params removed) must match "%s"' % self.RE)
# CrawlerFilterZip.process(doc) - Filter (remove) zip files that are not office docs.
# Crawler plugin, processing documents scheduled for link extraction.
# Simple attempt at filtering documents that are zip files, but not office docs.
# Using file extension as method to filter out non-office docs (!)
# Looking at the URI path after parameter removal.
# Expect:
# doc.mimetype - e.g. application/zip
# Simple attempt at filtering documents that are zip files, but not office docs.
# Using file extension as method to filter out non-office docs (!)
# Looking at the URI path after parameter removal.
# Expect:
# doc.code style="color:#008200;"># - the downloaded document - used to check for zip signature
# doc.store_document - indicate if the document is to be stored or not
# For non-office docs - want to set this to 0
# NOTE: Don't call this if already known that store_doc should be 0 (e.g. other plugins)
def process(self, doc):
global DEBUG_10
doc.store_document = 1
# log(log.FLOG_INFO, 'CrawlerFilterZip.process() - Checking "%s, %s, %s"' % (doc.uri, doc.mimetype, repr([0:100])))
# Only check documents returned as ZIP from server, or if have ZIP signature:
if doc.mimetype == 'application/zip' or[0:4] == 'PK\003\004':
# log(log.FLOG_INFO, 'CrawlerFilterZip.process() - Checking "%s, %s, %s"' % (doc.uri, doc.mimetype, repr([0:100])))
doc.store_document = 0
matches = self.officeExtensionRE.findall(uriParts[pyuriparse.URI_PATH])
if len(matches)>0:
log(log.FLOG_INFO, 'CrawlerFilterZip.process() - Passed "%s, %s, %s"' % (doc.uri, doc.mimetype, repr([0:4])))
doc.store_document = 1
log(log.FLOG_WARNING, 'CrawlerFilterZip.process() - Rejected "%s, %s, %s"' % (doc.uri, doc.mimetype, repr([0:4])))
doc.errmsg = "CrawlerFilterZip: %s failed OFFICE extension check" % uriParts[pyuriparse.URI_PATH]
# Not checking non-zip documents.
if DEBUG_10>0:
log(log.FLOG_INFO, 'CrawlerFilterZip.process() - Not checking "%s, %s, %s"' % (doc.uri, doc.mimetype, repr([0:4])))
DEBUG_10 -= 1
log_exc(log.FLOG_ERROR, 'CrawlerFilterZip.process() - Unable to check %s' % doc.uri)
doc.store_document = 0
doc.errmsg = "CrawlerFilterZip: %s caught exception." % self.uri
log_exc(log.FLOG_ERROR, 'CrawlerFilterZip.process() - Unable to check %s' % doc.uri)
doc.store_document = 0
doc.errmsg =;"> except:
log_exc(log.FLOG_ERROR, 'CrawlerFilterZip.process() - Passing weird document' )

The document will then still be passed on as application/zip to the FAST ESP Pipeline, but the standard format detector there will identify it as a Word/PowerPoint/Excel document and handle it properly.