Operating system
Microsoft Exchange server 2007 SP1
Windows server 2003 Standard Edition R2 64 bit with SP 2
While booting the exchange server error showing Exchanglass="r3 fiji-r3">
Operating system
Microsoft Exchange server 2007 SP1
Windows server 2003 Standard Edition R2 64 bit with SP 2
While booting the exchange server error showing Exchanglass="r3 fiji-r3">
Backup the current database files first
To repair the specified database, follow these steps:
Verify that the Microsoft Exchange Transport service is stopped.
Run the Eseutil /P utility on the specified database.
The repair can take a long time on a large database. If the affected database is the message queue database, you can move the database files to another location, and then start the Microsoft Exchange Transport service to create a new message queue database.
This lets you perform the database repair without any loss of functionality on the Hub Transport server or Edge Transport server. After the message queue database has been repaired, you can use any other HubTransport server or Edge Transport server to deliver
the messages that are trapped inside the repaired database.
Start the Microsoft Exchange Transport service.
( If the Microsoft Exchange Transport Service still does not start because of database corruption errors, you must move or delete the specified database and allow a new copy of the database to be created)
Delete the specified database and the corresponding transaction logs. A new copy of the database and the transaction logs is created automatically. Use this option if you don't care about the contents of the specified database.
To delete the specified database and corresponding transaction logs, follow these steps:
Verify that the Microsoft Exchange Transport service is stopped.
Delete the specified database files and the corresponding transaction log files. The database files and the transaction log files are described in the following list:
Mail.que or IpFiltering.edb |
The main database file |
Trn.chk |
The checkpoint file |
Trn*.log |
The transaction logs |
Trn*.log |
The reserved transaction logs that serve as placeholders |
Temp.edb |
A sample database file that is used to verify the database schema. Although this is not a transaction log file, it is always kept with the transaction logs. |
If the database files are not recoverable allow a new copy of the database to be created.