How to create a Scheduled Refresh to a Netezza Database in PowerPivot:

Configure SSS target application in SharePoint

If you have not already created Secure Store Service (SSS) applications in SharePoint 2010, then refer to the MSDN article to configure it.

In Central Administrator under Application Management, click Manage service applications.
Open Secure Store services and create following SSS target application:

NetezzaProd (i.e. only as an example)


Configure PowerPivot Workbook in Excel

                Open the workbook in Excel > PowerPivot > Home > Other Data Sources > Others (OLEDB/ODBC), 
                click Next and then Build.
                Under Provider tab, select IBM Netezza OLE DB Data Provider driver.

 Note: If the Netezza driver is not listed under OLE DB providers then install Netezza OLEDB drivers to client server (where Excel is installed) and also make sure that it is installed on SharePoint server as well. You might need to ask your Netezza support person to provide drivers, as they might not be available to download publicly.

After configuration the connection string should look like:
Provider=NZOLEDB;User ID=userName;Data Source=serverName;Initial Catalog=dBName;Persist Security Info=True


Save the workbook and upload it to PowerPivot gallery on SharePoint site.

Schedule PowerPivot Refresh in SharePoint


Browse to the PowerPivot Gallery > Locate the workbook you want to Schedule a Data Refresh for > Click “Manage Data Refresh”:


 For “Data Refresh” option check “Enable”


 For “Schedule Details” select “Also refresh as soon as possible


 For Credentials > Select "Use the data refresh account configured by the administrator"


Unselect "All Data Sources"


Here, select "Netezza Prod"

Under "Data Source Schedule:" > Select "Use Default Schedule"
Under "Data Source Credentials:" > Select "Connect using the credentials saved in the Secure Store Service (SSS) to log on to the data source.  Enter the ID used to look up the credentials in the SSS ID box.”

ID: NetezzaProd


Click “OK

Browse to the PowerPivot Gallery > select the workbook you scheduled for a Data Refresh > Click “Manage Data Refresh” to view the results.


 The results are displayed as:


 Possible Errors:

 If MS OLE DB provider for ODBC driver is selected instead:

In the results pane, below error is thrown:

The .Net Framework Data Provider for OLEDB (System.Data.OleDb) does not support the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (MSDASQL). Use the .Net Framework Data Provider for ODBC (System.Data.Odbc).


Open the workbook in Excel > PowerPivot > Design > Existing Connections > (In this case) “Netezza Prod:

The Connection String: shspan>

&nowed the user was using the (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers):


The connection string was:
Provider=MSDASQL;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=useName;Initial Catalog=dbName;DSN=NetezzSQL


To resolve the issue have user select the Netezza driver (IBM Netezza OLE DB Data Provider) and follow the above steps to properly configure and refresh data in scheduled PowerPivot.