Official Microsoft links
Release schedule
Update Rollup 11 for on-premises CRM servers and CRM Outlook clients was released on October 12th, 2012. It became available through Microsoft Update on October 23nd, 2012. No schedule for planned availability of UR11 on CRM Online has been published.
On the following day of the release the Outlook client downloads were temporarily removed due to an issue discovered on some Windows XP configurations. The new version 2 of the UR11 for Outlook client was released on October 17th, 2012. The original version
build number 5.0.9690.2835 was upgraded to 5.0.9690.2838 as a part of the re-release.
On October 22nd, 2012, the server downloads on Microsoft Download Center were re-posted to resolve the duplicate key error when importing solutions.
- Installing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 on a computer running Windows 8 no longer requires manually enabling the Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)
Potential issues
The following problems have been reported by CRM users who have installed Update Rollup 11. They have not necessarily been confirmed by Microsoft to be caused by UR11, nor is there official information on when a possible fix would be released. Please update
the list based on the latest information you have available on any issue listed and add new issues if you have a strong reason to believe that the problem has occurred due to the installation of Update Rollup 11.
- While attempting to installing "Update Rollup 11 for CRM 2011 for Outlook (KB2739504), the installation fails and Code FFFFFFF appears. (forum post)
- IFD login not working after installing UR11, error message: Could not find GUID for server (forum post). Alternative error message: Failed to get priv user group
information (blog post).
- After installing UR11, Refreshing pages after using Save and New will bring up the old record, not the new record.
forum post
- After installing UR11, views in Outlook no longer display the horizontal scroll bar and columns end up being compressed to fit in the existing space. (forum
post) Update: UR12 appears to resolve this issue.