Configuring Visual Studio Projects - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki

This article is the guideline for developers using Visual Studio to configure the solution & project.  
The following settings serves as the fair practice for Visual Studio users to standardize development

Configuring Visual Studio Settings

Select Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions
Enable the following options by checking them on

Configuring Visual Studio Projects

This article is the guideline for developers using Visual Studio to configure the solution & project.  
The following settings serves as the fair practice for Visual Studio users to standardize development

Configuring Visual Studio Settings

Select Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions
Enable the following options by checking them on
  • Always show solu
    Configuring Visual Studio Project Settings

    Select the Project-><SelectedProject> Properties
     In the project properties window set the following in each Tab
               1. Assembly Name
                2. Default Namespace ( Remove the default & make it blank)
               3. Set the following in the Assembly Information based on the application being developed
                    Assembly Version
                    File Version
                    Neutral Language
    1. Select "All Configurations" in Configuration DropDown & the Build Output Path (ex : ..\bin\)
               2. Turn on Option Explicit & option strict & Set option compare to Binary
               3. Enable Generate XML documentation file
    4. Click Advanced Compile Options.
    a) Set the following for Debug Configuration 
                        Uncheck Enable optimizations
    Set generate debug info to Full
                        Check Define DEBUG constant
    Check Define Trace contant
    Set Generate serialization assemblies to Auto
                        Set Target CPU to <Desired Platform> (ex: AnyCPU)
                        Set Target Framework to <Desired Fx>
                    b) Set the following for Release Configuration 
                        Check Enable optimizations
                        Set Generate debug info to pdb-only
                        Check Define TRACE contant
    Set Generate serialization assemblies to Auto
                        Set Target CPU to <Desired Platform> (ex: AnyCPU)
                        Set Target Framework to <Desired Fx>