In this article I want to cover the configuration steps of Monitoring Enterprise Vault with System Center Operations Manager 2012 product. In fact Symantec Enterprise Vault has a built-in solution for monitoring purpose. Enterprise Vault Operations Manager is pretty nice IIS based solution for monitoring. After configuring EVOM you can browse http://ev_server_fqdn/MonitoringWebApp web site in order to observe and monitor Enterprise Vault structure.
Meanwhile as we know, with 10.0.3 version of EV, SCOM 2012 is supported and SCOM 2012 is also a well-known IT Event Correlation and Analysis product and used all over the world like similar products. So you may need to use it In this article I do not want to mention about “How to” ’s of SCOM. If you want to be informed about product you can browse this links below. (Well known SC 2012 expert from Turkey ) ( Well known IT Community in Turkey ) ( Vendor’s Portal )
Let’s begin and explorer the monitoring Enterprise Vault with SCOM 2012
1- Firstly, we need to configure a “Run As Account”. You can use SCOM management console for this action. Actually, you can use SCOM management console for many actions that I will mention. You can use a domain account as “Run as Account”. But that account needs some specific privileges on EV. With EV admin console you can access authorization manager. “Monitoring Application” role is which “run as account” must be member of!

3- You can see the console of Authorization Manager as shown below

5- Add “Run As Account” to “Monitoring Application” role.
6- After that, open the properties of “Run As Account”, tab to “Distribute” and select the EV server you want to monitor.

8- In order to see Server objects, Discovery and Agent installation must be completed before!
9- Provide the Enterprise Vault SCOM 2012 Management Pack from EV Media and install to a proper path.
10- file is what we need
11- Let’s import the Management Pack into System Center Operations Manager.

13- MP import is done.

15- Let’s associate the “Run As Account” with “Run As Profile”
16- To do step 15 go to SCOM management console and find the Symantec EV MP as shown below.

18- With Run As Profile Wizard shown below, associate the “run as account”.

20- Done.

22- It should be nice to read the warning shown above!
23- Configure agent proxy for your servers

25- You need to do step 23 on all EV servers!
26- Than leave it for a while, so Health Agents report some data to System Centers Operations Manager.
27- You can create a custom dashboard to observe EV components.
28- I made a 9-cell custom dashboard view as shown below.

30- With that kind of views you can observe or monitor EV components effectively! You can create many kind of views (dashboards, alerts, states etc. )

32- Another view is shown above. A Diagram View

34- Another view is alert view.
35-I forgot to insert that picture but you can imagine it easily.
36- To test the views I stopped Enterprise Vault Storage Service

38- 4 cells show the error about Enterprise Vault components as shown above.

40- These are examples shown above. As a result we discuss Monitoring Enterprise Vault with System Center Operation Manager 2012 briefly.
I hope this is informative for you.
Source: Microsoft TechNet Library Symantec Connect Symantec Knowledge Base