e-Commerce website
Turn off Session State, if not required
Disable View State of a Page if possible
Set debug=false in web.config
Avoid Response.Redirect, use Server.Trasfer for same site page navigation
Use the String builder to concatenate string
Avoid throwing exceptions, use validation framework for business exception
Proper use of Use Page.ISPostBack
Use Foreach loop instead of For loop for String Iteration
Cleaning Up Style Sheets and Script Files . Minify JavaScript and CSS
Check for CSS Expressions, remove if found.
Remove Duplicate Scripts
Place StyleSheets into the Header
Put Scripts to the end of Document
Make JavaScript and CSS External, No inline CSS or Javascript on the page.
Page not found for JS, CSS or Image should not come
Reduce Cookie Size
Optimize Images using http://www.imagemagick.org/
If a new thread is created that thread must be in a try catch. And check for deadlock situation.
For subsequent request images, js and CSS should be fetched from the cache.
WCF services/ Web Service
Individual services should not take more than one second.
ASynchronized methods implemented if services are taking more than one seconds.
Require caching is implemented or not.
The exception is properly handled or not.
Check for Delay load the core .js
IIS Compression - Static compression should be on and Dynamic compression should be off.
cache profile is created for output caching
Disk-based Caching for binary large objects are enabled or not. Like <BlobCache location="C:\blobCache" path="\.(gif|jpg|png|css|js)$" maxSize="10" max-age="86400" enabled="false"/>
Code review and optimization of code
Capture request and response for all the happy path scenarios and check for performance
ANTS profiler
Generate a report for an individual method and sun methods and perform analysis
Event viewer
Check that any error or warning are posted in event viewer due to code or not
BPA tools
Run and clean noncompliant
SQL Profiler
Generate trace file and analysis using Advisor.
Performance Analysis of Logs
Checks for memory and CPU utilization.
Event Viewer
Configure MSDTC as per the MS recommendation.