Table of Contents


This is a workspace for the Tech Ed 2013 North America and Tech Ed 2013 Europe talk, "

20 Modern VishAmerica/2013/DEV-B301#fbid=SP3KbDfIkzP" target="_blank">20 Modern Visual C++ Best Practices", a collaboration with the wider Visual C++ and C++ communities including internal Microsoft developers:

Join us as we explore modern C++ best practices and advice curated from the community and active C++ users inside of Microsoft. Learn why these practices are effective and see them in action with demo code.

You are encouraged to contribute! If you have a new tip, additional details for an existing tip, or want to add other remarks, sign in to the Wiki and update the document. If you want to keep up to date, sign in and subscribe to article updates.

Best Practices

Tips are h2. Here is how you contribute. It is okay if there are more than 20 tips right now, cut off is 5/15? Need samples as well. Foo.