Abstract Factory - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki

Abstract factory is the extension of basic Factory pattern. It provides Factory interfaces for creating a family of related classes. In other words, here I am declaring interfaces for Factories, which will in turn work in similar fashion as with Factories.

public interface IFactory1

Abstract Factory

Abstract factory is the extension of basic Factory pattern. It provides Factory interfaces for creating a family of related classes. In other words, here I am declaring interfaces for Factories, which will in turn work in similar fashion as with Factories.

public interface
        IPeople GetPeople();
    public class Factory1 : IFactory1
        public IPeople GetPeople()
            return new Villagers();
    public interface IFactory2
        IProduct GetProduct();
    public class Factory2 : IFactory2
        public IProduct GetProduct()
            return new IPhone();
    public abstract class AbstractFactory12
        public abstract IFactory1 GetFactory1();
        public abstract IFactory2 GetFactory2();
    public class ConcreteFactory : AbstractFactory12
        public override IFactory1 GetFactory1()
            return new Factory1();
        public override IFactory1 GetFactory1()
            return new 
        public override IFactory2 GetFactory2()
            return new Factory2();

The factory method is also implemented using common interface each of which returns objects.