Table of Contents

  • See Also


    Many times Systems Administrators (admins) find themselves needing to disable Remote Desktop on Windows 7 systems in geographically separated offices. In some


    1) You have appropriate rights/privs to modify/administer the remote workstation
    2) The remote registry service is running on the remote workstation
    3) Remote Desktop already was enabled on the remote system

    Remotely Disable RDP on the Remote Workstation

    To disable remote desktop on a remote Windows 7 workstation, from the Windows 7 command prompt, type:

    REG ADD \\remote-computer\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f

    Where "remote-computer" is the name of the remote Windows 7 workstation for which you need to disable RDP.

    The desired setting is shown in the following image:


    See Also

    How to Remotely Enable/Disable Remote Desktop...