Table of Contents
Many times Systems Administrators (admins) find themselves needing to remotely stop the Remote Registry service on remote workstations and set those services to disabled.
1) You have appropriate rights/privileges to modify/administer the remote workstation
Stop and Set to Disabled the Remote Registry Service
To stop the remote registry service and set it to the disabled state, from the Windows 7 command prompt, type:
sc \\remote-computer stop RemoteRegistry
sc \\remote-computer config RemoteRegistry start= disabled
Where "remote-computer" is the name of the remote Windows 7 workstation for which you need to stop and disable the Remote Registry Service.
Verify that the Remote Registry Service is Stopped
From the Windows 7 command prompt, type:
sc \\remote-computer query RemoteRegistry
Where remote-computer is the name of the computer on which you just stopped/disabled the Remote Registry service.
The desired service state is shown in the following image: