In MVC architecture, the application will be split into three: the Model, View and Controller

1. Model

Model represents the items, operations, and rules that are meaningful in the application. Model is basically a C# or VB.NET class. It also maintains the state of the application. MVC projects contain a folder called /Models. It can be accessible form controller and view. Data are kept into model. Controller pass data to view for displaying onto the page through model.

2. View

Its job is to display application’s User interface.  A request to view coming only from a controller’s action method. ASP.NET WebForms pages with no significant code-behind logic and always free of ViewState and postback complications. Views are simple templates for converting ViewData into a finished piece of HTML. They are allowed to contain basic, presentation-only logic. Here is a nice option to chose  view engines but by default views are streamlined ASPX templates.

3. Controller

Controllers are .NET classes, usually derived from the built-in Controller base class. User requests are routed to a controller class, which processes user input and works with the model to handle the request. While the model holds business logic whereas controllers hold application logic. Each public method on a Controller class is called an action method which means you can invoke it from the web via some URL. After performing an action, controller is able to render its choice of view.