I'm a SharePoint Expert/Administrator, working as freelance since 5 years, and 12 years since the beginning of my career.

I discovered SharePoint in 2005 and worked on the 2007, 2010 and yet 2013 versions.

work actually (since 3.5 years now) as a SharePoint Expert for a multinational, in Paris La Défense (France). 

Table of Contents

Note: This is a "User Page" (click for a list of all user pages on TechNet Wiki). User pages on TechNet Wiki exist for the following reasons: (1) To link to these pages from various online profiles, blog posts, etc. (2) To allow collaboration on filling out such information. (3) To allow easy editing for filling out such information. (4) To act as an aggregation or collection of links that help define what a person does.


My personal blog (about SharePoint, in French): http://spasipe.wordpress.com

TechNet Wiki

All the wiki articles I authored or co-authored:  http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/tags/Beno_26002300_238_3B00_t+Jester/default.aspx

My Profile: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/profile/benoit%20jester

Code Gallery

I made the following contributions to code gallery:


You can me on Twitter with the name @SPAsipe, I tweet mostly about  ... SharePoint, of course ! 



I have earned the following certifications:



If you want to contact me, send me an email : contact@asipe.net.

See Also