Metod 1
E:\exch>setup /p Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup Preparing Exchange Setup Copying Setup Files COMPLETED No server roles will be installed Mailbox Role Performing Microsoft Exchange Server
Prerequisite Check Configuring Prerequisites COMPLETED
Organization Checks FAILED A Setup failure previously occurred while installing the Mailbox role. Either run Setup again for just this role, or remove the role using Control Panel. The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete.
More details can be found in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder. Exchange Server setup encountered an error.
Metod 2
E:\exch>setup /m:upgrade Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup Preparing Exchange Setup Copying Setup Files COMPLETED The following server roles will be upgraded Languages Hub Transport Role
Client Access Role Mailbox Role Management Tools Setup previously failed while performing the action "Install". You can't resume setup by performing the action "BuildToBuildUpgrade". Exchange Server setup
encountered an error. E:\exch>

Metod 1-2 (Həll)

Problem çıxan server üzərindəki, Mailbox altında olan
Action və Watermark ləvğ edirik.
Bu addımdan sonra Yenidən Sp3 yükləmyə çalışırıq...
Metod 1
E:\exch>setup /p
Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup Preparing Exchange Setup Copying Setup Files COMPLETED No server roles will be installed Mailbox Role Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check Configuring
Prerequisites COMPLETED Organization Checks COMPLETED Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server Organization Preparation
COMPLETED This server role can't be installed because the following roles aren't current: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole AdminToolsRole. The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can
be found in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder. Exchange Server setup encountered an error. E:\exch>
Metod 2
E:\exch>setup /m:upgrade
Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup Preparing Exchange Setup Copying Setup Files COMPLETED The following server roles will be upgraded Languages Hub Transport Role Client Access Role Mailbox Role Management
Tools Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check Configuring Prerequisites COMPLETED Language Pack Checks COMPLETED Hub Transport Role Checks COMPLETED Client Access Role Checks COMPLETED Mailbox Role Checks COMPLETED Install hotfix Microsoft
Knowledge Base article 2550886 from to improve Windows Failover Cluster transient communication instability when deploying stretched Database Availability Groups across datacenters. Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server
Preparing Setup COMPLETED Stopping Services FAILED The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); & $RoleBinPath\ServiceControl.ps1 -Operation:DisableServices -Roles:($RoleRoles.Replace('Role','').Split(','))
-SetupScriptsDirectory:$RoleBinPath; & $RoleBinPath\ServiceControl.ps1 Stop $RoleRoles.Replace('Role','').Split(',') " was run: "Service 'MSExchangeSA' failed to reach status 'Stopped' on this server.". The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete.
More details can be found in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder. Exchange Server setup encountered an error. E:\exch>
PS C:\Users\exadmin> Get-Service *exch*
StopP... MSExchangeSA Microsoft Exchange System Attendant Stopped MSExchangeSearch Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer

Servis stop olmadığı üçün sistemi restart edib
həmin serivisi manul stop edərək digər exchange servislərini start edirəm, qurulum yarmçıq qalıdğı üçün servislər disable moddadır. Digər servisləri
Enable-Start , Microsoft Exchange System Attendant servisinin qurulumda bir daha sıxntı çıxarmasını əngəlləmək üçün
manual stop edirəm.
PS S:\> Get-Service *exch* Running MSExchangeRPC Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access Stopped MSExchangeSA Microsoft Exchange System Attendant Running MSExchangeSearch Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer PS S:\>
Metod 2 ilə davam edirik. E:\exch>setup /m:upgrade Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup Preparing Exchange Setup Copying Setup Files COMPLETED The following server roles will be upgraded Languages
Hub Transport Role Client Access Role Mailbox Role Management Tools Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check Configuring Prerequisites COMPLETED Language Pack Checks COMPLETED Hub Transport Role Checks COMPLETED Client Access Role Checks COMPLETED
Mailbox Role Checks COMPLETED Install hotfix Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2550886 from to improve Windows Failover Cluster transient communicatio n instability when deploying stretched Database Availability Groups
across datacenters.
Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server Preparing Set;
Metod 2 ilə davam edirik. E:\exch>setup /m:upgrade Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup Preparing Exchange Setup Copying Setup Files COMPLETED The following server roles will be upgraded Languages
Hub Transport Role Client Access Role Mailbox Rolup COMPLETED Stopping Services COMPLETED Language Files COMPLETED
Removing Exchange Files FAILED
Couldn't remove product with code 4934d1ea-be46-48b1-8847-f1af20e892c1. Fatal error during installation. Error code is 1603. The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found in ExchangeSetup.log
located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder. Exchange Server setup encountered an error. E:\exch>
Bəzi rollup paketləri silib-yüklməyə çalışaraq msi paketləri test etdim ( MSI © (64:34) [13:34:20:110]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database. MSI © (64:34) [13:34:20:110]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy
from system32 MSI © (64:34) [13:34:20:110]: Opening existing patch 'C:\Windows\Installer\1519a4.msp'. MSI © (64:34) [13:34:20:110]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\1519a4.msp 3: -2147287038 MSI © (64:34) [13:34:20:110]: Couldn't find local patch 'C:\Windows\Installer\1519a4.msp'.
Looking for it at its source.
Əvəllcədən götürüdüyüm backup üzərində ki, fayılların installer bölməsinə aid olanları
C:\WINDOWS\Installer bölməsinə restore etdim.
Birdaha Metod 2-ni
sınaqdan keçirdim.
E:\exch>setup /m:upgrade Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup Preparing Exchange Setup Copying Setup Files COMPLETED The following server roles will be upgraded Languages Hub Transport Role
Client Access Role Mailbox Role Management Tools Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check Configuring Prerequisites COMPLETED Language Pack Checks COMPLETED Hub Transport Role Checks COMPLETED Client Access Role Checks COMPLETED Mailbox Role
Checks COMPLETED Install hotfix Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2550886 from to improve Windows Failover Cluster transient communication instability when deploying stretched Database Availability Groups across datacenters.
Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server Preparing Setup COMPLETED Stopping Services COMPLETED Language Files COMPLETED Removing Exchange Files COMPLETED Preparing Files COMPLETED Copying Exchange Files COMPLETED Language Files COMPLETED
Restoring Services COMPLETED Languages COMPLETED Hub Transport Server Role COMPLETED Client Access Server Role COMPLETED
This server role can't be installed because the following roles aren't current: AdminToolsRole. The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs
folder. Exchange Server setup encountered an error. E:\exch>
Son olaraq registr altında yenidən dəyişklik edib sistemin yenidən upgrade olmasını tamamladım.
Admin tool altında olan versiyaları Mailboxla eynilşədirdim.

E:\exch>setup /m:upgrade Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup Preparing Exchange Setup Copying Setup Files COMPLETED The following server roles will be upgraded Languages Hub Transport Role
Client Access Role Mailbox Role Management Tools Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check Configuring Prerequisites COMPLETED Language Pack Checks COMPLETED Hub Transport Role Checks COMPLETED Client Access Role Checks COMPLETED Mailbox Role
Checks COMPLETED Install hotfix Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2550886 from to improve Windows Failover Cluster transient communication instability when deploying stretched Database Availability Groups across datacenters.
Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server Language Files COMPLETED Restoring Services COMPLETED Languages COMPLETED Hub Transport Server Role COMPLETED Client Access Server Role COMPLETED Mailbox Server Role COMPLETED Exchange Management Tools COMPLETED
Finalizing Setup COMPLETED
The Microsoft Exchange Server setup operation completed successfully.
Bu əməliyyat 2 günümü aldı və birbaşa real sturktur üzərində gerçəkləşdirilmiş bir əməliyyatdır. Zəhmət olmsa bu kimi əməliyyatlarda mütləq backuplarınızı və ön tədbirlərinizi görün. Sturkturda əlavə Node mövcud olduğu üçün servis
kəsintisi yaşanmadı və digər Nodların upgrade-i zamanı bu kimi sıxıntılar baş vermədi. İnşAllah sizlər bu çətinliklə qarşılaşmazsınız.
Uğurlar !
Exchange 2010 SP1, SP2 , SP3 Upgrade Troubleshooting