June's competition has now closed.
July's contributions page is
June's results are
If you contribute any new code, or solutions to problems in the following categories, please add your content (that you write for a Forum or Blog) to TechNet Wiki, and then add a link to your TechNet Wiki article below, to let us know. This is a TechNet Wiki awards program, so we only want WIKI LINKS for articles created in JUNE, not old, external forum or gallery links. If you have already made a contribution on the forums or gallery, simply copy it into the wiki and reference the original article, like shown here.
One winner in each category will be selected each month for glory and adoration by the MSDN/TechNet Ninjas and community as a whole. This includes a dedicated blog post in the Wiki Ninjas blog, a tweet from the Wiki Ninjas Twitter account, an announcement on your forum, and other acknowledgement from the community.
Winners will be voted on by five judges. The judges consist of 3 TechNet Wiki Community Council members and 2 Microsoft Employee SMEs (Subject Matter Experts -usually the people making the technologies). The judges will be looking for articles that are thorough, technically accurate, visually clear (images might help, but aren't necessary), and well written. (Any community member can help with the "technically accurate" part by reviewing the articles below and either fixing inaccuracies in the article or commenting on them--asking questions or suggesting fixes.)
The articles must be written in June 2014 and must be in English. However, the original blog or forum content can be from before June. Make sure you aren't taking credit for someone else's content (you have to be the author of the original content and of the Wiki article). The categories listed are targeted to the most popular forums/technologies and ones that we are able to support. We will add more categories as we go (please don't add more categories, instead, leave a comment at the bottom to suggest a new category).
How to Enter
1) Create a new TechNet article YOU CAN COPY YOUR CONTRIBUTION FROM MSDN/TECHNET FORUMS OVER TO TECHNET WIKI (IN JUNE) TO QUALIFY FOR THESE AWARDS. You can also create a new article not related to your forums contributions.
A) Log into TechNet/MSDN with your Microsoft credentials
B) Add your content as an article to TechNet Wiki:
If you are copying and pasting your MSDN/TechNet forum solutions over to TechNet Wiki, please give some introduction to the problem, make sure your steps are clear, and then link to the original forum post. You can also paste in your blog posts (rather than forum content).
2) Tell us about it To add a link to your article:
A) Log into TechNet with your Microsoft credentials
B) Click the "Edit" tab, above this article title, and copy in the URL to your TechNet Wiki article into the appropriate section.

Add Your Contributions for JUNE in the Sections Below...
NOTE: These MUST be TechNet Wiki articles, and they MUST be written in JUNE 2014.
Microsoft Azure
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your Azure contribution here:
- How to connect Orchestrator to Windows Azure by Mr X
- Saad Mahmood by
- Configuration of WATM (Windows Azure Traffic Manager) for Web Portals hosted on Azure VMs by Mr X
- How to use Windows Azure as Traffic Manager for Web portals hosted in multiple on-premise datacenters by Mr X
- Azure storage block blob upload from Android by Isham Mohamed
- Azure Service Portals by Santhosh Sivarajan
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your BizTalk contribution here:
- Replace with "Article Name" by "Profile Name" (each hyperlinked to the article and the author profile urls)
- BizTalk: Passing variables into maps by Alastair Grant
- How to Implement Concurrent FIFO Solution in BizTalk Server by Murugesan Mari Chettiar
- BizTalk: SQL Patterns for Polling and Batch Retreive by boatseller
- BizTalk: Reducing and Consolidating WCF Serialization Schema Types by boatseller
- BizTalk Server: Custom Archiving by Steef-Jan Wiggers
- BizTalk Server and Sentinet - Protocol Mediation REST to SOAP by Steef-Jan Wiggers
- BizTalk Server : Scheduling Orchestration using Trigger Message by Maheshkumar S Tiwari
Forefront Identity Manager
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums links available below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your FIM contribution here:
- Replace with "Article Name" by "Profile Name" (each hyperlinked to the article and the author profile urls)
- A Practical Alternative to the PeopleSoft MA by Scott Eastin
- Custom Reports in FIM2010R2 by Remi Vandemir
- FIM 2010 R2: Review pending export changes to Active Directory using XSLT by Eihab Isaac
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your Miscellaneous contribution here:
SharePoint 2010 / 2013
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of SharePoint contribution here
- Replace with "Article Name" by "Profile Name" (each hyperlinked to the article and the author profile urls)
- PowerShell to copy or update list items across SharePoint sites and farms by Dan Christian
- Social Data Timer Job is not running, Recycle warning in progress, job will not be run immediately by Waqas Sarwar
- SharePoint Online : Working with People Search and User Profiles by Geetanjali Arora
- Creating Bookmarks in Wiki Pages - SharePoint Rich Text Editor Extension by Jaydeep Mungalpara
Small Basic
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your Small Basic contribution here:
- Small Basic: Condition by Nonki Takahashi
- Small Basic: Subroutine by Nonki Takahashi
- Small Basic: Label by Nonki Takahashi
- Small Basic: Challenge of the Month by Nonki Takahashi
- Small Basic: Sprite Arrays by litdev
SQL BI & Power BI
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.
Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your BI contribution here:
- How to Schedule and Automate backups of all the SSAS catalogs within the Server Instance by Anil Maharjan
- SSRS Expressions: Part 1 - Program Flow by Tim Pacl
- How to get row counts for all Tables by Durval Ramos
SQL Server General & Database Engine
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your SQL Server contribution here:
- How to get row counts for all Tables by Durval Ramos
- SQL Server: What does Column Compressed Page Count Value Signify in DMV Sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats ? By Shanky
System Center
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your System Center contribution here:
- Server 2003 R2 Distribution Points in a ConfigMgr 2012 R2 Environment by Phil U
- How to introduce monitoring and automatic recovery of IIS application pools using Orchestrator by Mr X
- How to deploy lync 2010 using SCCM 2012 R2 by Prajwal Desai
- How to deploy .net framework using SCCM 2012 R2 by Prajwal Desai
- Deploying SCCM 2012 R2 Clients Using Group Policy by Prajwal Desai
- Installing a legacy boot image in SCCM to support XP migrations by Dave Jaskie
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your T-SQL contribution here:
- Replace with "Article Name" by "Profile Name" (each hyperlinked to the article and the author profile urls)
- Sql server 2012 - Denali - T SQL features for easy querying by Sugumar Pannerselvam
- Handling images using T-SQL by Durval Ramos
- T-SQL: How to Generate Random Passwords by Saeid Hasani
- T-SQL : Average Interval Length by Hasham Niaz
- T-SQL: Retrieve Connectionstring Details from SSIS Package by Visakh16
Microsoft Visio
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your Azure contribution here:
Visual Basic
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your VB contribution here:
Visual C#
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your C# contribution here:
- Entity Framework Code First - Defining Foreign Keys using Data Annotations and Fluent API by Jaliya Udagedara
Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your Windows Phone contribution here:
- WindowsPhone 8 Custom URI Scheme:Launching other own apps from your app (C#-XAML) by SubramanyamRaju.B
- Create Universal Application with Windows Phone App Studio (en-US). by Carmelo La Monica
- Saad Mahmood by
- Theming of your application by Dave Smits
- Adding SDK Extension to the project from a specific folder by saramgsilva
- saramgsilv by
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your WPF contribution here:
- Lets forget about limitations and temprorary fix... Think about 4.5 features by Sugumar Pannerselvam
- WPF: How To Tab Between Items In a ListBox by Magnus (MM8)
Windows Server
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your contribution here:
- Replace with "Article Name" by "Profile Name" (each hyperlinked to the article and the author profile urls)
- Helpdesk, System Administrators, and Powershell… How to get started. By: SeanSobey
- Windows Server Core 2012 R2 - Initial configuration. By Hicham KADIRI
- DHCP on Windows Servers – Why are the expired IP addresses not getting re-assigned? by Mr X
- How to force a DHCP database cleanup for expired leases in a specific scope by Mr X
Wiki and Portals
The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your contribution here:
- Replace with "Article Name" by "Profile Name" (each hyperlinked to the article and the author profile urls)
- ASP.NET Portal by João Sousa
- History and Technology Behind the TechNet Wiki Ninja Belt Calculator by XAML guy
- HTML5 Portal by Durval Ramos
See Also
This Month's Forum Announcements
Announcement on BizTalk
General forum
Announcement on Forefront Identity Manager forum
Announcement on SharePoint General forum
Announcement on SharePoint Development and
Programming Forum
Announcement on Small Basic Forum
Announcement on Analysis
Service Forum
on Power Pivot Forum
on Database Engine Forum
on Integration Service Forum
Announcement on SSRS Forum
Announcement on Transact
SQL Forum
Announcement on Visual Basic Forum
Announcement on C sharp general Forum
Announcement on Developement for Windows Phone Forum
on Building Windows Apps with C# and VB Forum
Announcement on WPF Forum
Announcement on windows Server Storage Essential Forum
on Windows Server 2012 General Forum
Announcement on Windows
Server General Forum
on Getting Started With SQL server Forum
Announcement on Direstory
Services Forum
on Configuration Manager 2007 Forum
on Configuration Manager General Forum
on Operations Manager general Forum
on Data protection Manager General Forum
on System Center Orchestrator General Forum
on System Center Service Manager general Forum
on System center Virtual Machine manager Forum
Announcement on App
Controller ForumAnnouncement
on Windows Azure developement Forum
Announcement on Azure
Virtual Machines Forum
Announcement on Technet Wiki Forum
Announcement on Visio
General Forum