Durval is a SQL Server Expert/Administrator who is working as IT Manager for year and a half. He has 20 years of experience in IT field
He started working on SQL Server in 1998 and has experience with working on SQL Server 6.5, 7, 2000, 2008 R2, 2012 and 2014 versions.
Durval has been involved in SQL Server groups and as a moderator on several SQL Server Forums. He's an evangelist on TechNet
Wiki Ninjas Group and one of the main supporters on
TechNet Wiki Day award. He's also member of TechNet Wiki
International Council and
Community Council. In 2013 he was appointed as member of
Featured Articles team as being a Portuguese Influences.
He work actually (since 6 years now) as a SQL Server Expert for a multinational in
Barueri city (Brazil).
Table of Contents
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This is a "User Page" (click for a list of all user pages on TechNet Wiki). User pages on TechNet Wiki
exist for the following reasons: (1) To link to these pages from various online profiles, blog posts, etc; (2) To allow collaboration on filling out such information; (3) To allow easy editing for filling out such information; (4) To act as an aggregation or collection of links that help define what a person does. |
Profile on TechNet and MSDN Communities: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/profile/durval ramos/TechNet Wiki
All TNWiki articles authored or co-authored, you can see below in Portuguese and English tags.
English Articles
- Adding Work Days Using T-SQL
- How can I prevent crash from IDENTITY column value jump
- Paging a Query with SQL Server
- Wiki Ninjas Blog: Article Spotlight overview
- T-SQL: Splitting a String into multiple columns
- SQL Server 2014 Portal
- Freezing a Table on SQL Server
- Reverse Engineering a SQL Server Database using Visio
- Handling images using T-SQL
- Importing an Excel Spreadsheet into a SQL Server Database
- Ghost "Rows" Buster in SQL Server
- Replacing the Collation of a SQL Server Database
- How to Extract Data in XML to Meet the Requirements of a Schema
- SSIS - Event Handling with "OnError" or "OnTaskFailed"
- How to Collect Events and Errors
Portuguese Articles
- Entendendo mais sobre Compressão de Dados em SQL Server
- Usando Visio Infrastructure for SQL Servers
- Como evitar que minha coluna IDENTITY quebre a sequencia de valores
- Artigos Spotlight
- T-SQL: Dividindo uma String em múltiplas colunas
- Engenharia Reversa de um Banco de dados SQL Server com Visio
- Adicionando dias úteis usando T-SQL
- Congelando uma Tabela no SQL Server
- Automatizando uma Paginação de Dados em Excel com VBA
- Formatando o Resultado em T-SQL para o padrão JSON
- Paginando uma Consulta com SQL Server
- Manipulando imagens através de T-SQL
- Como contar as linhas de todas suas Tabelas
- SSIS - Manipulando Eventos com "OnError" ou "OnTaskFailed"
- Importando uma planilha Excel para um Banco de Dados SQL Server
- Como extrair dados em XML para atender os requisitos de um Schema
- Como habilitar a execução de scripts em PowerShell
- Trocando o Collate de um Banco de Dados SQL Server
- Encontrando uma Tabela sobre Todos os Bancos de Dados SQL Server
- Como se preparar para o exame 70-461
- Criando um Plano de Execução no SQL Server
- Bancos de dados com maior uso
- Ler um envelope SOAP em Transact-SQL
- Caçando Registros Fantasma no SQL Server
- Documentando um Banco de Dados SQL Server
- Referências de sintaxe para Transact-SQL
- Permissões de Acesso em Instâncias SQL Server
- Como se preparar para o exame 70-462
- Implementando o uso de Transações Distribuídas (MSDTC)
- Modificando as propriedades de uma Coluna Indexada
- Consultando colunas que compõem Chaves Primária ( PK )
- Coletando Ocorrências e Erros no SQL Server
- O que é o Azure SQL Database
- Exportando uma consulta T-SQL para um arquivo XML
- Entendendo os operadores SOME, ANY e ALL
- Recuperando o Banco de dados "master"
- Como executar uma ou mais instruções T-SQL em diferentes instâncias SQL simultaneamente
- Licenciamento do SQL Server 2008
- Criptografando textos diretamente no SQL Server
- Como atualizar dados entre servidores
WikiNinjas - Official Blog of TechNet Wiki
Durval has written the following blog posts:
English Posts
- TNWiki Article Spotlight - SQL Server Integration Services
- TNWiki Article Spotlight - SQL Server Database Engine
- TNWiki Article Spotlight - SQL Server Reporting Services
- TNWiki Article Spotlight - SQL Server Analysis Services
- TNWiki Article Spotlight - Business Intelligence
- Wiki Life: There can be only one !
- The Heart of TechNet Wiki
- Wiki Life: Featured Articles in the TechNet Wiki
- TNWiki Article Spotlight - SQL Server join with others Microsoft Products
- Wiki Life: Did you know that we have a layout article?
- TNWiki Article Spotlight - Curated in Curah!
- International Spotlight: The TNWiki Summit 2015
- International Spotlight: Different languages on TechNet Wiki Summit 2015
- Wiki Ninja News: TNWikiSummit15 - Call for Attendees
- TechNet Wiki Summit!!! A new phase begins today (1st Day Presentations)
- TechNet Wiki Summit: TNWiki Grows! (2nd Day Presentations)
- TechNet Wiki Summit: The grand finale
Portuguese Posts
- Conselho Spotlight: Um prato cheio para fãs do Windows Phone
- Conselho Spotlight: Os atuais Autores
- Final de Semana Surpresa - Um grande evento sobre SQL Server, mas...
- Conselho Spotlight: Artigos não apropriados
- Artigo Spotlight - Windows 8
- Atualização Internacional - Comunidade Persa em crescimento
- Conselho Spotlight: Como obter "Destaque"
- Final de Semana Surpresa - Uma homenagem para os melhores artigos
- Atualização Internacional - Um novo Blog nasce entre os Ninjas
- Artigo Spotlight - Recursos do Excel em Evidência
- Artigo Spotlight - Lync Server
- Conselho Spotlight: TechNet Wiki ajudando a formar novos MVP´s
- Conselho Spotlight: Expansão das Equipes TNWiki
- Atualização Internacional da Comunidade - O Portal dos Portais
- Wiki-Life: Todos juntos!
- Final de Semana Surpresa: Os Heróis do TechNet Wiki
- Conselho Spotlight: Líderes em cada Área de Foco
- Conselho Spotlight: Vamos nos comunicar !
- Wiki-Life: - Revisando Artigos
- Final de Semana Surpresa: As Faixas "Wiki Ninjas"
- Final de Semana Surpresa: Três grandes receios no TechNet Wiki
- Conselho Spotlight: Portais TechNet Wiki
- Conselho Spotlight: Políticas que Governam o TechNet Wiki
- Atualização Internacional da Comunidade - A Comunidade Turca
- Wiki Life: 3 passos para um artigo confiável
- Atualização Internacional da Comunidade - TechNet Guru
- Artigo Spotlight - A Hora do SQL Server
- Final de Semana Surpresa: Você em Destaque
- Atualização Internacional da Comunidade - eBooks da Comunidade TNWiki
- Final de Semana Surpresa: Porque escrever um artigo?
- Wiki Life: Quando existir dúvidas, "pense"
- Conselho Spotlight: Nós temos um "aka"
- Conselho Spotlight: Veja nossos Posts +Populares
- Atualização Internacional - Turcos usam tags com eficiência
- Wiki News: "MVP Open Days 2015 Brasil" - Além das expectativas
- Wiki Life: O Coração do TechNet Wiki
Code Gallery
His contribution to code gallery can be found below:
- Creating a quickly Plan Execution in SQL Server
- Encrypting data in SQL Server with key 256-bits
- Find a T-SQL statement very costly on your SQL Server
- Checking Last Successfully BACKUP on SQL Server
You can follow Durval on Twitter with the name @durvalramos, He tweet mostly about SQL Server, of course !
See: https://twitter.com/durvalramos
Durval's have earned the following Microsoft certifications:- Database Administration Fundamentals
- Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center Specialist
- MCSA SQL Server 2012
- MCSE SQL Server Data Platform
White Papers
Durval's co-authored on TechNet eBook (free download):↑ Return to Top
Community Contributions
- TechNet Wiki Community Council member
- TechNet Wiki International Council Member
- Portuguese TechNet Wiki "Featured Articles" Member
- TechNet Wiki Day award - "Selection Committee Articles"
- Portuguese Forum "SQL Server General Development" Moderator
- Portuguese Forum "Transact-SQL" Moderator
- Portuguese Forum "SQL Server Integration Services" Moderator
- Portuguese Forum "SQL Server Analysis Services (BI and Data Mining)" Moderator
- Portuguese Forum "TechNet Wiki" Moderator
- TechNet Guru - "SQL Server" and "Transact-SQL" judge
- June, 2014: Speaker on Virtual PASS - PT
- September, 2014: volunteer in the SQLSaturday #325 organization event, helping on Attendees registration and accompanying Speakers
- March, 2015: Speaker on Brazil MVP Open Days 2015
- April, 2015: Speaker on SQLSaturday #361 event
Online Groups
You can find Durval participating in SQL Server questions, answers and discussions on online groups:
↑ Return to TopAwards
See below for all awards won by Durval on TechNet:MVP (Most Valuable Professional)
↑ Return to TopMCC (Microsoft Community Contributor)
↑ Return to TopFeatured Articles on TechNet Wiki
- 28 Apr '14: PowerShell Portal
- 01 Jan '15: Office 365 Portal
TechNet Ninja Belt Progress
Achievements for current belt: ( Black Belt 2nd Dan, awarded in 05/26/2015)- Qualifying Top Contributor win was 05/31/2014
- New Articles = 212 (current) / 350 (next belt)
- Article Edits = 2665 (current) / 3500 (next belt)
- Comments = 2227 (current) / 1750 (next belt)
Interviews on TechNet Wiki
- 25 Nov '13: Entrevista com o Wiki Ninja Durval Ramos
- 08 Dec '13: Interview with Wiki Ninja: Durval Ramos
- 24 Feb '14: Interview with a Wiki Ninja and the Translation Challenge Winner - Durval Ramos
TechNet Guru medals
- In Dec '13: How to extract data in XML to meet the requirements of a Schema
- In Feb '14: Ghost "Rows" Buster in SQL Server
- In Feb '14: Article Spotlight
- In Mar '14: Paging a Query with SQL Server
- In Mar '14: VBA & VBS Portal
- In Apr '14: Importing an Excel Spreadsheet into a SQL Server Database
- In Apr '14: PowerShell Portal
- In May '14: SSIS - Event Handling with "OnError" or "OnTaskFailed"
- In May '14: Wiki: Best Practices for building TechNet Wiki Portals
- In Jun '14: How to get row counts for all Tables
- In Jun '14: HTML5 Portal
- In Jul '14: Reverse Engineering a SQL Server Database using Visio
- In Jul '14: Automating a Data Paging using VBA on Excel
- In Jul '14: SQL Server 2014 Portal
- In Aug '14: Freezing a Table on SQL Server
- In Aug '14: Adding work days using T-SQL
- In Aug '14: Office 365 Portal
- In Sep '14: Visio Portal
- In Oct '14: Summit: Principles of International TNWiki Summit
- In Feb '15: How to Collect Events and Errors
- In Feb '15: Microsoft Short URLs
Top Contribuitors of the week
- 17 Jan '15:
- Longest Article Award
- Most Popular Article Award
- 01 Nov '14:
- Most Updated Article Award
- 20
Sep '14:
- Most Revisions Award
- Most Articles Updated Award
- 31 May '14:
- Most Revisions Award
- Most Articles Updated Award
- 17
May '14:
- Most Revisions Award
- 15 Feb '14:
- Most Revisions Award
- 21 Dec '13:
- Most Revisions Award
- Most Articles Updated Award
- 08 Dec '13:
- Most Articles Updated Award
- Most Revisions Award
- 24 Nov '13:
- Most Revisions Award
- Most Articles Updated Award
↑ Return to TopArticle Spotlight
Durval was quoted by other members on TechNet Wiki Ninja's Blog in:- TNWiki Article Spotlight - Office 365 Portal
- TNWiki Article Spotlight - SQL Server 2014 Portal
- TNWIKI Article Spotlight - PowerShell
- Wiki Life: Best Practices for building TechNet Wiki Portals
- TNWiki Article Spotlight - Article Spotlight Overview
- Wiki Life: International TNWiki Summit 2015
- Ninja Belts Improved! Thanks to Eagle Eyed Ninja Durva Ramos!
- Portuguese Wiki Ninja Blog Update!
- Artigo Spotlight - Usando Visio Infrastructure for SQL Servers
- Você conhece o trabalho do Conselho da comunidade Technet Wiki?
- International Spotlight: What's happening on our International Blogs?
- Spotlight - TNWIKI Summit 2015
- TechNet Wiki International Summit - We've got a Facebook Page!
- TechNet Wiki International Summit 2015 - Starts Tomorrow!
- Conselho Spotlight - Comunidade em ação!!!
- Final de Semana Surpresa - TNWiki Summit 2015
- Atualização Internacional – Office 365 Portal
- Wiki Life - Galeria do TechNet
- Wiki Life - TechNet Wiki Day - Participe!
- TNWIKI Summit 2015 - Apresentação Boas Práticas
- Conselho Spotlight - TNWiki Summit 2015
- Atualização Internacional – Agradecimento ao público do Evento “TNWiki Summit 2015”
- Council Spotlight - Did you know we have a Wiki Ninja Blog Authoring Schedule?
- International Spotlight - French & Portuguese Wiki Ninjas Blog Highlights!
- Weekend Surprise: Line in the sand
He can be reached at email: durval@msn.com.
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