A plugin has been released that updates currencies in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 based on your default currency. It uses a samples service that I appears helpful but I guarantee or confirm it's validity, reliability, or even it's terms of use (as I cannot
find where they are published). It just appears to be a free service. So my official stance is that this is a framework for a plugin, or is one way that someone might create a plugin to update CRM currencies based on a web service.
The code and project for the plugin are located here:
Here is a page that shows some ideas for using this plugin.
This first release contains the plugin source code along with an unmanaged solution that can be installed into Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 on-premise
or online.
The plugin itself isn't dependant on a specific message, but in the solution is set up so that it triggers on the on-create message of
the included currencytrigger entity.
This sort of a setup would be ideal if you wanted to have a timed process that hits the CRM Service to trigger the on-create message to
update currencies at set intervals.
-- This sample plugin is based on a web service provided by http://www.webservicex.net/, and I make no claims as to the reliability or
validity or safety of this web service. This plugin and included solution is provided as a sample framework for how someone might design and implement a currency updater plugin based on a web service.
-- I make no claims as to the rights of use of the utilized web service (as I couldn't really find any).
--This service appears free and useful, but I make no guarantees.
--You use this plugin and project entirely at your own risk
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