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In this scenario application requires to implement complex authorization rules logic, something that cannot be satisfied using only roles. The application enforces access by calculating the outcome - grant or deny access - based on the information available in the request including the claims in the incoming token.

Solution Approach

The solution relies on ClaimsAuthorizationManager - WIF' extensibility point. You develop custom ClaimsAuthorizationManager and register it in web.config. You can optionally express the rules as a policy in the web.config so that the custom ClaimsAuthorizationManager can read them at run time and enforce them for the incoming requests. For detailed step-by-step walkthrough read How To: Implement Claims Authorization in a Claims-Aware ASP.NET Application Using WIF and ACS.


Implement claims-cased authorization when role base access control (RBAC) is insufficient to satisfy authorization requirements. Read more about RBAC in Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Authorization In Claims-Aware Applications 


Code Samples
