Table of Contents

About Ed Price

Ed is a Customer Program Manager on the SQL Server Customer Experience team. He used to be a Technical Writer for SQL Server Analysis Services and PowerPivot. He also worked for Microsoft Hardware (mice, keyboards, webcams) and Microsoft Surface (touch computing). Ed contributes on TechNet Wiki, Forums, and MSDN/TechNet Blogs.


This is a "User Page" (click for a list of all user pages on TechNet Wiki). User pages on TechNet Wiki exist for the following reasons: (1) To link to these pages from various online profiles, blog posts, etc. (2) To allow collaboration on filling out such information. (3) To allow easy editing for filling out such information. (4) To act as an aggregation or collection of links that help define what a person does.



User Ed

Ed's blog, User Ed, centers mostly around featuring key technologies on TechNet Wiki:

Small Basic

Ed is the primary blogger on Small Basic, the official blog of Microsoft's educational development program:

Wiki Ninjas

Ed is the driving force behind Wiki Ninjas, the official blog of TechNet Wiki (he used to be the primary blogger; now he schedules the other bloggers):


Ed has also contributed on the SQL Server Analysis Services Blog. Ed's blog posts on the SSAS Blog:

TechNet Profile

Ed's Profile:


TechNet Wiki

Ed's Wiki articles

All Ed's Wiki articles he authored or co-authored:

Ed's Favorites

Ed's Wiki-related pages that he updates a lot:

Ed's Profile/TechNet/MSDN-related pages:


User Ed

In Ed's Twitter account, User Ed, Ed tweets mostly about PowerPivot, SQL Server, and SQL Azure:

Technet Wiki Ninjas

Ed also tweets frequently for the TechNet Wiki Twitter account (this has been passed to Peter Geelen):

See Also



If you need to contact Ed, just leave a comment on this page.