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Table of Contents
Arleta Wanat is an Office Servers and Services MVP and Microsoft Community Contributor writing about SharePoint Server, SharePoint Online, and occasionally other Office 365 topics like Exchange Online. She writes in English, German, Polish, and French. Arleta is also guilty of almost 300 Powershell scripts and code solutions that hopefully make Office 365/SharePoint/Exchange admins' lives better.
She enjoys taking certifications, the most prized being Office 365 MCSA, ITIL, SharePoint 2013 MCSE, SharePoint 2016 MCSE and MCSE Productivity.
Technet Wiki
SharePoint Server & Online
- SharePoint Online SPOMod cmdlets & resources
- SharePoint Online SPOMod: Installation guide
- SharePoint Server SPOMod: Connect-SPCSOM
- Connect-SPOCSOM
- New-SPOList
- Approve-SPOFile
- Remove-SPOListItem
- Set-SPOList
- Get-SPOList
- New-SPOListItem
- Get-SPOListItems
- Set-SPOContentType
- New-SPOListView
- Copy-SPOFile
- Restore-SPOListInheritance
- Restore-SPOListItemInheritance
Content Types
- SharePoint Online content types in Powershell: Add
- SharePoint Online content types in Powershell: Get
- SharePoint Online content types in Powershell: Edit
- SharePoint Online: Turn on support for multiple content types in a list or library using Powershell
- SharePoint Online content types in PowerShell: Group property
- SharePoint Online: Remove site content type using PowerShell
- SharePoint Online content types in Powershell: Fields vs Field Links
- SharePoint Online content types in Powershell: Known Errors
- Find content type ID in SharePoint Online using PowerShell
- Content Type is still in use: Powershell to remove items and content types
- Versioning and SharePoint: the Powershell perspective (part 1)
- Versioning and SharePoint: the Powershell perspective (part 2)
- SharePoint Versioning: the Powershell perspective (part 3)
- Working with multiple items using Powershell
- Delete unique permissions in multiple lists using CSOM
- Create a report on SharePoint file versions
- SharePoint Online: Verifying and modifying Flows Policy in site using PowerShell
- SharePoint 2013/2016 Troubleshooting Workflow Farm
- Reject? Approve? The third option in SharePoint Designer 2013 workflows
- Error handling in Microsoft Flow
- Microsoft Flow: Optional input for a selected item in a SharePoint list
Permissions & Sharing
- SharePoint Online: How to change primary administrator for all site collections using PowerShell
- Restoring and removing item permissions in subfolders for SharePoint Online using Powershell
- SharePoint Online Sharing settings with CSOM
- Language-independent SharePoint Online permission groups
- SharePoint Online: PowerShell to delete unique permissions in all list items
- SharePoint Online: Remove users from site groups using PowerShell
- Manage SharePoint Online Access Requests using Powershell
- SharePoint 2013/2016: Approve or decline Access Requests using Powershell and CSOM
- SharePoint 2013/2016: Missing Access Request Settings
- Get all checked-out files using Powershell
- SharePoint Online: Disable or enable attachments to list items using Powershell
- SharePoint Online: Get any object with PowerShell (Part 1)
- SharePoint Online: Get any object with Powershell - sites and webs (Part 3)
- Powershell GridView to help with SharePoint data viewing
- SharePoint 2016 Troubleshooting: Installation error - The tool was unable to install Web Server (IIS) Role
- Office Online Server Troubleshooting in SharePoint environment
- SharePoint: Easy way to create CAMLQuery for ViewXML
- Powershell
in SharePoint: Disable comments on modern pages in entire site using CSOM
Office 365
- Office 365 PowerShell Troubleshooting: quick guide
- Quick way to set up Office 365 tenant for testing
- Customizing sign-in experience for external users
- Office 365 data loss protection: Prevent your SharePoint list from deletion using Powershell
OneDrive for Business
- PowerShell: OneDrive for Business usage report
- OneDrive for Business notifications with Powershell
- OneDrive for Business sharing settings with PowerShell
Exchange Online
- Retrieve all site mailboxes in your tenant
- Site mailbox: add email addresses
- Creating site mailbox
- Exchange Online: What mailboxes User has access to?
- Site mailbox can no longer be created
- Remove a stuck site mailbox and create a new one
Articles in Polish
- Jak pozyskać grupy SharePoint Online niezależnie od języka witryny?
- Polecenia i zasoby modułu SharePointa SPOMod
- SharePoint Online: Jak usunąć skrzynkę witryny oraz często występujące błędy przy tworzeniu nowej skrzynki
- SharePoint Online SPOMod: New-SPOList (pl-PL)
- SharePoint Online SPOMod: Remove-SPOListView (pl-PL)
- SharePoint Online SPOMod: Set-SPOList
- SharePoint Online SPOMod: Get-SPOListItems (pl-PL)
- SharePoint Online SPOMod: Remove-SPOList (pl-PL)
- SharePoint Online SPOMod: Get-SPOListView (pl-PL)
- SharePoint Online SPOMod: Get-SPOList (pl-PL)
- SharePoint 2013/2016: Brakujące Ustawienia żądania dostępu
- Ukryj przycisk Synchronizuj w OneDrive dla Firm
- SharePoint Online: Usuń unikatowe uprawnienia we wszystkich elementach listy używając Powershell
- Powershell i typy zawartości SharePoint Online: Dodawanie
- SharePoint Online: Jak zmienić właściciela dla wszystkich zbiorów witryn przy użyciu Powershell
- OneDrive dla Firm: Tworzenie raportu magazynowania przy użyciu Powershell'a
- Znajdź skrzynki pocztowe wszystkich witryn Office 365
- Usuń unikatowe uprawnienia dla wielu list używając CSOM
- SharePoint i historia wersji z perspektywy Powershell'a
- SharePoint Online: Nie można już tworzyć nowych skrzynek pocztowych witryn
- Artykuły i zasoby dotyczące SharePoint'a (pl-PL)
- SharePoint Online: Usuwanie użytkowników z grup witryny SharePoint za pomocą programu Powershell
- Wyszukiwanie żądań dostępu na polskiej witrynie SharePoint za pomocą Powershella i REST API
- Zatwierdzanie lub odrzucanie żądań dostępu w programie SharePoint 2013/2016 za pomocą programu Powershell i CSOM
- Ustaw powiadomienia w OneDrive dla Firm za pomocą Powershell'a
- SharePoint Online: Uzyskaj dowolny obiekt z programu Powershell
- Zarządzanie wieloma elementami listy SharePoint przy użyciu Powershell'a
- Exchange Online: Do jakich skrzynek użytkownik ma dostęp?
- Tworzenie skrzynek pocztowych witryny SharePoint Online
- Dodatkowe adresy e-mail do skrzynki pocztowej witryny
- Jak zmienić właściciela dla wszystkich zbiorów przy użyciu Powershell
- Dodaj odbiorcę ukrytego do zaproszeń w OneDrive dla Firm używając Powershell'a
- Usuń możliwość zarządzania komentarzami na nowoczesnych witrynach w Modern SharePoint
Articles in German
- SharePoint 2013/2016: Fehlende Einstellungen für Zugriffsanforderungen
- SharePoint Online: Wie man Besitzer für alle Websitesammlungen mit Powershell ändert
- SharePoint Online: Berichte über Websitepostfächer mit Powershell und CSOM
- Powershell für Anfänger
- Berichte über OneDrive Speichermetriken mit Powershell
- SharePoint Online Troubleshooting: Es können keine neuen Websitepostfächer mehr erstellt werden
- SharePoint: Zugriffsanforderungen auf deutscher Website
- Office 365 Datenschutz: verhindern das Löschen der SharePoint-Liste
Articles in French
- Créer un rapport sur l'utilisation de l'espace pour OneDrive Enterprise à l'aide des commandes Powershell
- Exchange Online: lister les boîtes aux lettres auxquelles un utilisateur a accès
- Microsoft Flow: Configurer un flux d'approbation de page
- Microsoft Flow: Gestion des erreurs
- OneDrive Enterprise: Ajouter destinaire CCI à toutes les invitations externes
Articles in Portuguese
TechNet Guru Medals
Total Medals - 24 | 9-Gold 8-Silver 7- Bronze
February '15: Retrieve all
site mailboxes in your Office 365 tenant
May '15: SharePoint Online
content types in Powershell: Add
June '15: Working with multiple
items using Powershell
August '15: Create
OneDrive for Business usage report using Powershell
Aug '17: OneDrive
for Business sharing settings with Powershell
Feb '18: Language-independent
SharePoint Online permission groups
Sep '18: Error
handling in Microsoft Flow
Dec '18: Office
Online Server Troubleshooting in SharePoint environment
Dec '18: Powershell
in SharePoint: Disable comments on modern pages in entire site using CSOM
Aug '15: SharePoint Online content types in Powershell: Known Errors
May '16: SharePoint Online: Get all checked-out files using Powershell
Jul '16: Powershell GridView to help with SharePoint data viewing
Mar '17: Approve or decline Access Requests in SharePoint 2013/2016 using Powershell and CSOM
Apr '17: SharePoint Online: Get any object with Powershell (Part 1)
Dec '18: Office 365 data loss protection: Prevent your SharePoint list from deletion using Powershell
Dec '18: SharePoint: Easy way to create ViewXML
Feb '15: SharePoint Online: Turn on support for multiple content types in a list or library using Powershell
Apr '15: SharePoint Online: Remove a stuck site mailbox
May '15: Manage SharePoint Online Access Requests using Powershell
Oct '15: SharePoint Online SPOMod: Set-SPOFileCheckin
Feb '17: Exchange Online: What mailboxes has User access to?
Aug '17: SharePoint Online Sharing settings with CSOM
Jul '18: SharePoint 2013/2016 Troubleshooting Workflow Farm
Top Contributor Awards
45 Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:
- 19 Jan '19: Most Articles Updated Award
- 05 Jan '19: Most Revisions Award
- 05 Jan '19: Most Articles Updated Award
- 01 Dec '18: Most Updated Article Award for office-365-customizing-sign-in-experience-for-external-users
- 24 Nov '18: Most Revisions Award
Technet Gallery
Arleta Wanat's contributions (257 scripts and programs, 136 000 downloads)
- SharePoint Module for managing lists, items and files
- Get all site collections and their subsites
- Find all checked out files in SharePoint Online library and check them in
- Remove preservation hold library (data loss involved)
- Module for getting SharePoint Online objects with Powershell
- Get-SPOWeb to retrieve subsites and their properties
- SharePoint Online: get files with no checked in version
- Restore all files/items/lists deleted by a single employee
- Delete unique permissions in all items in a large list (5000+ items)
- Delete all previous file versions in a library
- Break role inheritance for a single SharePoint Online list
- Remove content type from SharePoint site using Powershell
- Update the time zones in all personal sites in SharePoint Online
- Bulk update all items in a list
- Delete unique permissions in all items in one single list using Powershell
- Find all checked out files in large SharePoint Server library and check them in
- Get SharePoint Online Site Properties using Powershell and CSOM
- Add a geolocation column to SharePoint Online using Powershell
- SharePoint Online: Set all lists to New or Classic Experience using Powershell
- Report on SharePoint Online tenant properties using Powershell and CSOM
- List 10 latest items a user has modified in SharePoint Online list
- Find checked out files in SharePoint Online and check them in (large library)
- Module for getting SharePoint Online objects with Powershell (unrestricted)
- Enable versioning for all lists in OneDrive sites using Powershell
- List 10 latest items a user has modified in SharePoint Server list
- SharePoint Online: declare files as records
- Get the number of files and folders in SharePoint Online library
- Get items, folders, lists with unique permissions: SharePoint 2013/2016
- Get all SharePoint Online list view properties using view's name
- Create content type and add directly to SPO list using Powershell
- "Unseal" sealed content types in SharePoint Online site collection
- Get user licenses and services' provisioning statuses
- Enable page editing when master page editing has been disabled for this site
- Restore deleted items from a single subsite
- Update the time zones in all sites in SharePoint Online
- Get all SharePoint Online list view properties using view's GUID
- GetSPOList Module to view and filter SharePoint Online list properties
- Detailed report on all recycle bin items across all site collections*
- Find all checked out files in SharePoint library and check them in
- SharePoint Online: Undeclare files as records
- Find all files in library checked out by a specific user and check them in
- Notify OneDrive for Business owner if anonymous link to their content is created
- Get site groups from root and subsites in one SharePoint Online site collection
- SharePoint Online: undeclare files as records (large libraries)
- Compare Web.AvailableContentTypes vs Web.ContentTypes
- SharePoint Online: Create a content type using Powershell
- Create and add content type to a content type hub SharePoint Online
- Get versioning settings for all lists in SharePoint Online with Powershell
- Export all user profiles using Powershell
- Enable versioning for all SharePoint Online lists using Powershell
- Delete Unique Permissions for all lists in a site collection
- Get all features from a site collection
- Get a report on lists where a given content type is added
- Remove comments on modern pages in entire SharePoint site
- Get all views from a single list and their properties using Powershell
- Get all user profile properties using Powershell and REST
- SharePoint Online: Remove a content type from all lists in a site collection
- Add existing content type directly to SPO list using Powershell
- Check user licenses using Service Name
- Get Names of all Available Content Types
- Get Content Types Derived From One Parent
- Get Content Types Derived From One Parent 2
- Create a report on all file versions in the library
- Enable minor versions programmatically using Powershell and CSOM
- Allow content type management for all lists in a site using Powershell
- Get SharePoint Online Access Requests Settings with REST API
- Set the major version limit for all the lists and libraries (data loss involved)
- Add BCC to all sharing invitations in OneDrive for Business
- Create content type and add it to all lists in one site
- Modify the Display Form Template Name
- Create a report on all file versions in OneDrive for Business
- Restore previous versions in selected files the entire library
- Create OneDrive for Business usage report for all users
- Get-SPOWeb to retrieve SharePoint Online web and its properties
- SharePoint Online: declare files as records
- Set default link type for SharePoint Online tenant sharing settings
- SharePoint Online: Get the custom form display url using Powershell
- Get all properties of all content types in a SharePoint site
- Add Supported Language for all site collections in SharePoint Online
- Naughty Employee: restore all files/items/lists deleted by a single employee
- Remove list column using Powershell
- Remove SPO subsite
- Enable versioning for all SharePoint Online lists using Powershell
- Modify Web Inherited Permissions
- Retrieve all Content Types from a Content Type Hub and their DisplayFormTemplate
- Add column (fieldlink) to a content type using Powershell
- Get Content Types with a particular column
- Remove view from SharePoint Online list using Powershell
- Allow external sharing in SharePoint Online only with specific domains
- Get all views from a single list in SharePoint Online site with Powershell
- Others
Online Profiles