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Peter is independent contractor, partner and managing consultant Security, Identity & Access Management at Quest For Security, with a focus and profound expertise on Microsoft platforms. For more details check Peter's LinkedIn profile at:

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Articles (TechNet Wiki)


All Peter's Wiki articles he authored or co-authored:

All articles originally published by Peter:

By date

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These articles are written by Peter Laker.

  1. Abstract Factory Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  2. Active Object Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  3. Adapter Design Pattern (aka Wrapper or Translator Design Pattern) (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  4. Advertencia para usuarios de redes sociales y vendedores de servicios: su ubicación real potencialmente expuesta. Vulnerabilidades de triangulación, con ejemplos, usando la API de Bing Maps(es-MX) (Dave Rendón, 21 jun 2018)
  5. Avviso agli utenti di Social Media e Rivenditori di Servizi - La vostra posizione geografica è potenzialmente esposta. Vulnerabilità di triangolazione, con esempi, tramite Bing Maps API (it-IT) (Emiliano Musso, 19 jun 2018)
  6. Azure Cognitive Services - Computer Vision - Face Recognition API - Identify and search all your photos for FREE! (Pete Laker, 24 mei 2018)
  7. Azure Cognitive Services - Computer Vision - Image Recognition API - iSpy plug-in code example (Pete Laker, 23 okt 2017)
  8. Azure Speech Services and Windows 10: Transcribe video, make custom voices and subtitles (Pete Laker, 23 jan 2019)
  9. Balking Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  10. Behavioral Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 26 aug 2012)
  11. Bing Maps API: Triangulation vulnerabilities (Pete Laker, 15 jun 2018)
  12. Blackboard Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  13. Blackboard Design Pattern: A Practical Example - Radar Defense System (Pete Laker, 10 sep 2012)
  14. Bridge Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  15. Builder Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  16. 'Chain of Responsibility' Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  17. Command Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  18. Composite Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  19. Concurrency Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 26 aug 2012)
  20. Convert and Edit Microsoft Office Live Meeting Recordings (Pete Laker, 19 mrt 2015)
  21. Creational Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 26 aug 2012)
  22. Decorator Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  23. Double-Checked Locking Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  24. Easy MVVM examples (in extreme detail) (Pete Laker, 14 sep 2012)
  25. Event-Based Asynchronous Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  26. Facade Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  27. Factory Method Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  28. Flyweight Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  29. Front Controller Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  30. Guarded Suspension Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  31. How to Build, Manage and Navigate the User Interface of a WPF Application (Pete Laker, 10 aug 2012)
  32. How to Concatenate Strings into a Single Wrapping TextBlock (with Wrapping on Each Word) (Pete Laker, 16 jul 2012)
  33. How to make a Simple fast WPF mouse tail (or tracer stream) (en-US) (Pete Laker, 17 jul 2012)
  34. INotifyPropertyChanged - Essential Visual Studio Snippets (Pete Laker, 8 aug 2012)
  35. Interpreter Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  36. IoT Suite - Remote Monitoring - Adding Live and Simulated Devices (Pete Laker, 22 dec 2015)
  37. IoT Suite - Under The Hood - Predictive Maintenance (Pete Laker, 24 feb 2016)
  38. IoT Suite - Under The Hood - Remote Monitoring (Pete Laker, 16 dec 2015)
  39. Iterator Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  40. Lazy Initialization Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  41. Lock Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  42. Mediator Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 26 aug 2012)
  43. Memento Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  44. Messaging Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  45. Module Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  46. Monitor Object Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  47. Moving from Winforms to WPF (Pete Laker, 8 aug 2012)
  48. Multiton Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  49. MVC4 SimpleMembership Model and an Entity Framework Model in the Same Solution (Pete Laker, 9 dec 2013)
  50. MVVMExtraLite Companion guide (Pete Laker, 18 sep 2012)
  51. 'Null Object' Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  52. Object Pool Design Method (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  53. Observer Design Pattern (aka Publish/Subscribe) (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  54. Partly forgotton BitLocker Drive Password - Brute Force PowerShell Script (more a like gentle push) (Pete Laker, 27 mrt 2018)
  55. Prototype Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  56. Proxy Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  57. Reactor Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  58. Read-Write Lock Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  59. Scheduler Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  60. Servant Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  61. Singleton Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  62. Specification Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  63. State Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  64. Strategy Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  65. Structural Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 26 aug 2012)
  66. TechNet Guru Competition: Judging System Explanation (Pete Laker, 6 mei 2014)
  67. TechNet Guru Contributions - April 2015 (Pete Laker, 1 apr 2015)
  68. TechNet Guru Contributions - April 2016 (Pete Laker, 1 apr 2016)
  69. TechNet Guru Contributions - August 2013 (Pete Laker, 1 aug 2013)
  70. TechNet Guru Contributions - August 2014 (Pete Laker, 1 aug 2014)
  71. TechNet Guru Contributions - August 2015 (Pete Laker, 1 aug 2015)
  72. TechNet Guru Contributions - December 2014 (Pete Laker, 1 dec 2014)
  73. TechNet Guru Contributions - December 2015 (Pete Laker, 1 dec 2015)
  74. TechNet Guru Contributions - February 2015 (Pete Laker, 2 feb 2015)
  75. TechNet Guru Contributions - January 2015 (Pete Laker, 1 jan 2015)
  76. TechNet Guru Contributions - January 2016 (Pete Laker, 1 jan 2016)
  77. TechNet Guru Contributions - July 2013 (Pete Laker, 1 jul 2013)
  78. TechNet Guru Contributions - July 2014 (Pete Laker, 1 jul 2014)
  79. TechNet Guru Contributions - July 2015 (Pete Laker, 1 jul 2015)
  80. TechNet Guru Contributions - June 2013 (Pete Laker, 1 jun 2013)
  81. TechNet Guru Contributions - June 2014 (Pete Laker, 1 jun 2014)
  82. TechNet Guru Contributions - June 2015 (Pete Laker, 1 jun 2015)
  83. TechNet Guru Contributions - March 2014 (Pete Laker, 1 mrt 2014)
  84. TechNet Guru Contributions - March 2015 (Pete Laker, 2 mrt 2015)
  85. TechNet Guru Contributions - May 2013 (Pete Laker, 18 mei 2013)
  86. TechNet Guru Contributions - May 2015 (Pete Laker, 3 mei 2015)
  87. TechNet Guru Contributions - May 2016 (Pete Laker, 1 mei 2016)
  88. TechNet Guru Contributions - November 2014 (Pete Laker, 1 nov 2014)
  89. TechNet Guru Contributions - November 2015 (Pete Laker, 1 nov 2015)
  90. TechNet Guru Contributions - October 2014 (Pete Laker, 3 okt 2014)
  91. TechNet Guru Contributions - October 2015 (Pete Laker, 3 okt 2015)
  92. TechNet Guru Contributions - September 2014 (Pete Laker, 2 sep 2014)
  93. TechNet Guru Contributions - September 2015 (Pete Laker, 1 sep 2015)
  94. TechNet Guru Contributions for April 2014 (Pete Laker, 1 apr 2014)
  95. TechNet Guru Contributions for December 2013 (Pete Laker, 1 dec 2013)
  96. TechNet Guru Contributions for February 2014 (Pete Laker, 1 feb 2014)
  97. TechNet Guru Contributions for May 2014 (Pete Laker, 1 mei 2014)
  98. TechNet Guru Contributions for November 2013 (Pete Laker, 1 nov 2013)
  99. TechNet Guru Contributions for October 2013 (Pete Laker, 1 okt 2013)
  100. TechNet Guru Contributions for September 2013 (Pete Laker, 31 aug 2013)
  101. TechNet Guru Contributions: January 2014 (Pete Laker, 1 jan 2014)
  102. TechNet Wiki Widget (Windows 8) (Pete Laker, 12 okt 2012)
  103. TechNet Wiki: History and Technology Behind the Wiki Ninja Belt Calculator (Pete Laker, 24 jun 2014)
  104. Template Method Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  105. The XAML Community Group (Pete Laker, 24 jun 2014)
  106. Thread Pool Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  107. Thread-Specific Storage Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  108. Troubleshooting WPF (Debugging WPF) (Pete Laker, 21 sep 2012)
  109. Visitor Design Pattern (Pete Laker, 27 aug 2012)
  110. Wiki Ninja Belt Status: Who Has What Belt Ranking (Ed Price - MSFT, 28 jun 2013)
  111. WPF Data, Item and Control Templates - Minimum Code, Maximum Awesomeness (Pete Laker, 31 jul 2013)
  112. WPF DataBinding References & Tutorials (Pete Laker, 14 jul 2012)
  113. Wpf HowTo: Add a Debug/Output Console to your Application (Pete Laker, 14 jul 2012)
  114. WPF Printing Overview (Pete Laker, 15 aug 2012)
  115. WPF, MVVM & Data (in a nutshell) (Pete Laker, 24 aug 2012)
  116. WPF: Best ComboBox Tutorial Ever (Pete Laker, 31 aug 2013)
  117. WPF: How To Manage Available/Selected Lists using MVVM Or Code Behind (Pete Laker, 29 jun 2013)
  118. WPF: TreeView SelectedItem TwoWay MVVM (plus expand to selected and close all others) (Pete Laker, 29 jun 2013)
  119. WPF: Watermarked TextBox and PasswordBox (Pete Laker, 31 okt 2013)
  120. WpfHowTo: A collection of helpful short articles (Pete Laker, 14 jul 2012)
  121. WpfHowTo: Avoid binding error when removing a DataGrid row with RelativeSource (Static Bridge/Relay) (Pete Laker, 15 jul 2012)
  122. WpfHowTo: Change DataGrid RowHeader Properties and/or Template When a Cell is Selected (Pete Laker, 15 jul 2012)
  123. WpfHowTo: Convert Controls to XAML and Parse XAML into Controls (Pete Laker, 14 jul 2012)
  124. WpfHowTo: Create & Group Expanders - Just One Expanded (Accordian like) and Animate Open & Close (Pete Laker, 16 jul 2012)
  125. WpfHowTo: Pass and use a Control in it's own ValueConverter for Convert/Convert​Back (Pete Laker, 17 jul 2012)
  126. XAML Array Static Data - Quick Reference (Pete Laker, 24 aug 2012)

Peter Laker

These articles are tagged with "Peter Laker".

Wiki Governance: Guru Contest Judges Guidelines (pituach, 26 okt 2016)

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If you need to contact Peter, just leave a comment on this page or check the mail address on the Technet profile page .

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