How to know which updates or service packs are installed on Forefront TMG 2010 server - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki
Windows control panel - Programs and Features does not show which Forefront TMG 2010 updates or service packs are installed so If you want to know which updates or service packs are installed on your Forefront TMG 2010 server
open your TMG 2010 Management console click on help then click About Forefront Threat Management Gateway and compare your version number to the followings:
The fresh install of Forefront TMG 2010 version number is 7.0.7734.100

After installing the service pack 1 then the version number becomes 7.0.8108.200

After installing the Rollup Update 1 for SP1 the version number becomes 7.0.9027.400

After installing Service Pack 2 the version number becomes7.0.9193.500

Mahair Ashaboon
MCSA - MCSE & Network + Certified