<%$ TimeZone: Name=name, Eval=eval, Format=format, Portal=portal%>
<%$ TimeZone: name, eval, format, portal%>
TimeZone Expression takes a format of comma separated name value pairs, any pair is optional and the name of the pair is optional as well. If name is omitted, then the sequence is significant.
The first name value pair (Name) can be set to “id” or ”displayname”. When it is set to “id” TimeZoneInfo.Id is the result of expression evaluation. When it is set to “displayname” TimeZoneInfo.DisplayName Id is the result of expression evaluation. When it is not specified , the following is returned.
System.Web.UI.DataBinder.Eval(TimeZoneInfo, eval, format)
A site setting named “timezone/id” is first checked, if it is not specified TimeZoneInfo.Local is used for the evaluation.